Skin Tag, Warts & Verrucaue
Moles and skin tags are tremendously common on the face and parts of the body. Obviously they can be cosmetically distressing, but they also can cause problems when applying make-up, shaving, and can affect your confidence in day-to-day life. We can help you to have mole or skin tag-free skin easily and effortlessly.
There are many diverse forms of moles or skin tags which can typically be detached with this very simple procedure, using the technologically advanced Cryo Pen. The principle behind the Cryo Pen has been used in traditional medicine for over a century, but only in recent times has our understanding of its properties on the cells of the body made this treatment a choice for people with skin issues.
Our Cryo Pen treatment can deal with a number of common skin complaints
- Age spots
- Sun damage
- Birth marks
- Skin tags
- Moles
- Verrucas
- Warts
- Red spots
- Blemishes
- Solar Keratosis
- Liver spots
- Skin pigmentation and many more.
- The treatment is very quick taking only a few minutes in most cases
- There will be minimal pain
- Scarring is almost non-existent
- There is essentially no down time
- No preparation needed
- No anaesthesia required
- It is a quiet, simple and low-risk procedure
- Immediate treatment means there is no need for any referrals
- It is a safe and effective treatment
- Non-invasive
- No follow-up treatment is necessary
The Cryo Pen treatment is a non-invasive procedure and helps to prevent the need for minor surgery. By avoiding healthy tissue, the Cryo Pen eliminates discomfort allowing a longer treatment time, giving improved results. The treatment is quick, harmless and does not leave scarring. The Cryo-pen treatment signifies a groundbreaking technology that is becoming more and more popular every day.
It should be noted that warts can be more problematic to treat and so it can take from one to four treatment sessions to fully remove them, with a break of one to three weeks between each session. Very large warts possibly will need to be treated a number of times. There will be no charge for subsequent treatments.